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ESPC-D-V02: Global 1/12° Analysis (Aug-10-2024 to Present with 8-day forecast)
ESPC-D-V02 ice (1-hrly: sic,sih,siu,siv,sss,sst,ssu,ssv,surtx,surty)/
ESPC-D-V02 Sssh (1-hrly: steric_ssh = steric SSH)/
ESPC-D-V02 ssh (1-hrly: surf_el = Water Surface Elevation)/
ESPC-D-V02 s3z (3-hrly: salinity = Salinity)/
ESPC-D-V02 t3z (3-hrly: water_temp = Water Temperature)/
ESPC-D-V02 u3z (3-hrly: water_u = Eastward Water Velocity)/
ESPC-D-V02 v3z (3-hrly: water_v = Northward Water Velocity)/
ESPC-D-V02 Aggregations:
ts3z (3-hrly: combined water_temp and salinity)/
uv3z (3-hrly: combined water_u and water_v)/
All Variables (* Experimental *)/
GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (NRL)
GLBy0.08/expt_93.0 (Dec-04-2018 to Sep-04-2024)/
GLBv0.08/expt_93.0 (Jan-01-2018 to Feb-18-2020)/
GLBu0.08/expt_93.0 (Sep-19-2018 to Dec-08-2018)/
GLBv0.08/expt_92.9 (Oct-01-2017 to Dec-31-2017)/
GLBv0.08/expt_57.7 (Jun-01-2017 to Sep-30-2017)/
GLBv0.08/expt_92.8 (Feb-01-2017 to May-31-2017)/
GLBv0.08/expt_57.2 (May-01-2016 to Jan-31-2017)/
GLBv0.08/expt_56.3 (Jul-01-2014 to Apr-30-2016)/
GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Reanalysis (NRL)
GLBv0.08/expt_53.X (Jan-01-1994 to Dec-30-2015)/
GLBv0.08/expt_53.X with Sea Ice (Jan-01-1994 to Dec-30-2015)/
HYCOM-TSIS 1/100º Gulf of Mexico Reanalysis (COAPS)
GOMb0.01/Reanalysis (2001-01-01 to ~Present~)/
HYCOM-TSIS 1/25º Gulf of Mexico Reanalysis (COAPS)
GOMb0.04/Reanalysis (2001-01-01 to ~Present~)/
HYCOM + NCODA Gulf of Mexico 1/25° Analysis (NRL)
GOMu0.04/expt_90.1m000 (2019-01-01 to 2023-01-15)/
HYCOM + NCODA Gulf of Mexico 1/25° Reanalysis (NRL)
GOMu0.04/expt_50.1 (1993-01-01 to 2012-12-31)/
HYCOM + NCODA Southeast United States 1/25° Analysis (
GOMl0.04/expt_32.5 (2014-04 to 2019-02)/
GOMl0.04/expt_31.0 (2009-04 to 2014-07)/
HYCOM + CFSR Gulf of Mexico 1/25° 54-year Experiment (COAPS)
GOMl0.04/expt_02.2 (1992 to 2009)/
GOFS 3.0: HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (
GLBa0.08/expt_91.2 (2016-04 to 2018-11)/
GLBa0.08/expt_91.1 (2014-04 to 2016-04)/
GLBa0.08/expt_91.0 (2013-08 to 2014-04)/
GLBa0.08/expt_90.9 (2011-01 to 2013-08)/
GLBa0.08/expt_90.8 (2009-05 to 2011-01)/
GLBa0.08/expt_90.6 (2008-09 to 2009-05)/
GOFS 3.0: HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (NRL)
GLBu0.08/expt_91.2 (2016-04 to 2018-11)/
GLBu0.08/expt_91.1 (2014-04 to 2016-04)/
GLBu0.08/expt_91.0 (2013-08 to 2014-04)/
GLBu0.08/expt_90.9 (2012-05 to 2013-08)/
GOFS 3.0: HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Reanalysis (NRL)
GLBu0.08/reanalysis (expt_19.0 and expt_19.1 combined)/
GLBu0.08/expt_19.0 (1992-10-02 to 1995-07-31)/
GLBu0.08/expt_19.1 (1995-08-01 to 2012-12-31)/
hycom-ncss6 NetCDF Subset Service (NCSS)